This support document covers the following two features:

1 - Importing Multiple Choice Question Options

2 - Importing Filtered (Cascading) Multiple Choice Options

1 - Importing Multiple Choice Question Options

Multiple choice question options are imported separately from their questions. The command to import the options is to the right of the multiple choice option tables:

Each option must be unique, and each question has two required parameters in its options. 
  1. Label -  this is the option name
  2. Code - By default, it's the same as the code but in some cases this is represented by a numeric value. 
Just like in form design, option codes must not contain spaces. For example if the option label is 'text something', then the code should have an underscore in place of the space and should look like this 'text_something'

Attached is an excel file 'options' which provides an example of an excel sheet for importing options.

2 - Importing Filtered (Cascading) Multiple Choice Options

This feature is similar to ordinary multiple choice option import, with an additional ‘filter’ column. The filter column restricts the list of options displayed in the following question.

For example, you have 

Question 1: the user is presented with a list of states, and selects a state

Question 2: the user is presented with a list of cities from the state selected in question 1

Question 1 is a normal multiple choice question, with labels and codes.

Question 2

- must be a radio button question

- must have the Cascading checkbox checked

- has options with labels and codes, but also with a filter value

- the filter value must match the codes shown in Question 1

So if you wanted to present a list of states in Question 1, and then a list of cities in the selected state in Question 2, you would create question 2 so that all the cities in Alabama (for example) would include the filter value AL, which was the code for the Alabama option in Question 1.

Here is an excel sheet containing the question 2 information for import, and how it looks once imported into a Magpi radio button question:

And here is how Question 1 and Question 2 could appear on the mobile app:

Attached is an excel file 'filtered_options' which provides an example of an excel sheet for importing filtered options.