Magpi enables users to send outgoing broadcast timed SMS messages.  It also allows users to collect data via SMS, which also incorporates SMS messages.  To estimate the costs for a messaging-based system, you'll need to estimate two different kind of message costs:

  1. cost of messages sent from Magpi
  2. cost of response messages sent from someone "in the field" to the Magpi system

The cost of sending messages from Magpi can be very closely estimated, because it is controlled by Magpi.  To find out the cost of sending an SMS from Magpi for any purpose, login to your Magpi account and select the Messaging dashboard to open the pricing table:

In the Message Pricing you can search by country the estimate how many credits are necessary to send SMS or voice messages:

IMPORTANT: Pricing is subject to change without notice, based on carrier pricing changes in each country. The prices displayed are estimates based on the lowest prices available in each country. Prices can vary widely by carrier and so your cost may be higher. We VERY strongly suggest sending several test messages, to phone numbers from different carriers to better estimate your actual costs.