How to use Template Forms in Magpi
Modified on: Mon, 13 Jun, 2016 at 3:52 PM
What Are Template Forms, and Who Can Use Them?
Templates are sample forms. Magpi Enterprise users can tag selected forms with the word "example" and those forms will then be displayed on the form dashboard for any sub-accounts attached to that Enterprise users (for more information on sub-accounts, click here).
This allows the Enterprise user to promote certain standard forms for use by their sub-accounts. Magpi's system administrators can also tag forms as templates, if they believe they are useful for all Magpi users.
Only Enterprise users (and the Magpi team) can tag forms as templates, but ANY user can take advantage of them (that user will need to be a sub-account of the Enterprise user to take advantage of the templates for that organization).
What Are Templates Good For?
1 - as form examples
A sub-account with access to a template form can open it, but not edit it. The sub-account can use the Save Copy of Form command on the form Design tab to save an editable copy of a template form. The template form is meant as a guideline: once they have saved the copy, they can edit that copy in any way they like.

An Enterprise user whose organization often collects water point mapping information could create an example form, tag it as a template (by using the word "example" as a tag), and then the sub-accounts could modify the local information, such as place names or language.
2 - as insertable sets of questions
A template form can be designed to be used not as a form by itself, but just as a set of questions to be inserted into another form. So an Enterprise user involved in construction might have a set of questions related to certain plumbing safety inspection checklists:
1 - Is gas piping seismically braced/ secured? Yes/No
2 - Does water heater have top seismic strap? Yes/No
3 - Does water heater have bottom seismic strap? Yes/No
4 - Are the vent and water heater a minimum 6" from combustible materials such as wall framing or roofing? Yes/No
If the Enterprise user saved those questions as a form called "Plumbing_Inspection" and tagged it with the word "example", all the sub-accounts would see that form. They could then use the INSERT command on the form Design tab to insert that form into any other form that they were building – without having to type them again (read more about inserting one form into another
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