Forms That You Own

If you find that you cannot see forms that you own when logged in on your mobile device:

  1. Are you logged into the Magpi mobile app using exactly the same userid and password? If you created a form with, you won't be able to see it if you're logged in as
  2. Is the form a subform? Subforms will not appear on the form list on the mobile device.  They are visible only inside their "parent" form.  More on subforms.

Forms That Are Shared with You

If you find that you cannot see forms that another user has shared with you when logged in on your mobile device:

  1. Are you logged into the Magpi mobile app using exactly the same userid with which the form was shared? If the form was shared with, you won't be able to see it if you're logged in as
  2. Is the form a subform? Subforms will not appear on the form list on the mobile device. They are visible only inside their "parent" form. More on subforms.
  3. What role did the form owner give you? When a form is shared with a user, a role is assigned (a role is a set of privileges).  The default roles are mobileDataCollector, dataManager, and formAdmin.  Of those, only mobileDataCollector and formAdmin can view shared forms on the mobile app.  More on roles.


If you find that you cannot see a form on the mobile app, make sure:

  • you are using the correct username and password
  • the form was shared with you using the correct role
  • the form is not a subform

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