We recommend that everyone submitting data into a Magpi form using the Magpi mobile app has their own unique Magpi login information (email and password).  This enables the data manager to see who has submitted each data record. There are a couple approaches:

Recommended: Make the Data Collectors Register Themselves Before You Share Forms with Them

1 - have the data collectors register themselves on Magpi to create a userid and password (by default their email is the userid)

2 - share your Magpi form with them, using the mobileDataCollector role

3 - they can then log into the mobile app using their Magpi userid and password

Alternative: Share the Forms, Then Have Data Collectors Go to www.magpi.com/login and Create Their Password

1 - get a list of the emails for your data collectors

2 - share your Magpi form with them, using the mobileDataCollector role. Since they are not yet registered at Magpi, this will register each one at Magpi — but they will not have the password

3 - have the data collectors visit www.magpi.com/login and click the Forgot the Password? link. This will send an email to their registered address, allowing them to set their own password

3 - they can then log into the mobile app using their Magpi userid and password

One more possibility

In some circumstances, you might also choose to all data collectors logging in with one single userid/password combination — but in that situation you won't be able to distinguish between the data sent by each individual data collector (unless you add a form question asking "Which data collector are you?").  If everyone is using datacollector@gmail.com, for example, every data record will show that it was recorded by that email.