If your account has a large number of forms, you might experience an issue fetching specific forms by searching their names. This is because it sometimes takes too long for Zapier to process the request when searching through your long list of forms in Magpi. If this has occurred to you, there are alternative ways of getting your form. 

Method 1: By reloading to fetch new choices

Click on  "check Magpi and reload to load more choices". You may need to check new choices more than once for the form to appear

Method  2:  Searching the form by its form ID.  

To do so:

  1. Select, "Use a Custom Value (advanced)"
  2. In the next step, you would need to get the form ID from your Magpi form. To get the form ID, open the form in Magpi and copy the form ID in the property's page
  3. Enter the form ID in the "Custom Value for Form Survey ID" field 
  4. That's it. Your form will be fetched - so you can proceed on to the next steps.