The capabilities of a sub-account are similar to those of a Pro account but with all upload and messaging credits  charged to the Enterprise account. Read more here.

What Sub-Accounts Can Do


  1. Can create forms with over 100 questions.
  2. Can include Questions such as image, Subforms to their own forms.
  3. Can share a form with more than 15 users.
  4. Can export a copy of their forms in the Xform format.
  5. Can generate a standard report and edit it.

What Sub-Accounts Cannot Do

Sub-accounts cannot create new reports, or copies of an existing report, even if these are reports owned by their Enterprise/Umbrella account. Only Enterprise users can make new reports, copies of an existing report, or reports with elements from more than one form. More on this in this article.

Sub-accounts cannot create use the API or the Zapier integration.  If a sub-account user wants to utilize either, they should 

1 - have their Enterprise user create a form for them (since the Enterprise user can use those capabilities) OR 

2 - transfer the ownership of an existing form to the Enterprise user.